After 5 hrs .....Ho hooo I couldn't believe when I opened and tasted it, Success !!. Try this awesome tasting recipe in CROCK POT !!!

Ingredients and preparation *
Serve 2 to 3 personStep 1.
Chicken - 2 lb, Cut them into small/medium size
Turmeric powder - 1/8 tbsp
salt as required
Ginger-garlic paste - 1 and a half tbsp
Curd -1 and a half spoon
Wash chicken for 3 change of water and add other ingredients given above. Leave it to set for 1 hr.
Step 2.
Onion -1 and 1/4 red onion, Straight cut
Olive oil -1/2 cup
Now heat oil in a pan/kadai. Deep fry the onions and set aside. Leave the oil to cool.
Olive oil -1/2 cup
Now heat oil in a pan/kadai. Deep fry the onions and set aside. Leave the oil to cool.
Step 3.
Red chilly powder -1 tbsp
Coriander powder -1 tbsp
Garam masala 1/4 tbsp
Green chillies -4, slit them
Mint -1/2 cup
Coriander leaves -1/2 cup
Oil -left over from step 2
Now add all the above ingredients to the chicken marinated before. Leave it to rest at least for 2 to 3hrs. Longer the time it sets increases the taste of the biryani.
Step 4.
Food colour -1/12 tbsp
Lime(medium) - 1 nos
Mix food color in lime juice. Set aside.
Step 5.
Basmathi rice -1 and a half cup
Sonamasoori rice -1 cup
Salt -1/2 spoon
Cardamom, Bay leaves, cinnamon stick, cloves
Boil 4 to 5 cup of water in a big pot. Add all other ingredients given above to it. When the rice is half cooked strain the water and set the rice aside.

NOTE: Before transferring the chicken to the crock pot I sauteed for 5 mints in pan. I read in the crock pot instruction booklet that milk, sour cream should be used only in the end of prep. In order to break down the curd I marinated, I sauteed for 5 mints not more than that.
Now transfer the chicken to the bottom, then sprinkle fried onions on it. Next spread half quantity rice on it, next spread onions and then with left over rice again. Make 5 to 6 holes and pour lime food color juice into it. cover with lid. Set the cooker to cook for 4 and a half to 5 hrs. Don't open the cooked often. Stir once for every 1and a half hr. After 5 hrs switch it off and fold rice and chicken with spatula without breaking the rice. Serve biryani with raita, boiled eggs.
NOTE: Actually to prevent steam I made dough (All purpose flour + water) and spread that on the space between lid and rim of the stoneware.
Just found ur blog spot. biryani looks so yummy. great recipes
Thanks for ur comments Vimmi.
Great Recipe! I usually do it the traditional way. I cook the meat or chicken in all the spcies to make the "curry". I then add washed basmati rice, pour it all into an oven-proof dish with a tight light, and bake at 375 for about an hour. This idea with the crock pot is great! Thanks.
Hi ...
While browsing I came across your blog and like the recipe in Crockpot and sounds yummy... This Thanksgiving I too bought Crockpot and my husband love chicken biryani.......So I was eagerly waiting for the recipe using Crockpot and finally found one......Will try it...
I had a doubt - 5 and 1/2 hours on high or low?
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